You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Saturday, 29 July 2017

Erbil: On 27/7/2017, the Kurdistan Federation of Chambers of Trade and industries signed and agreement with a trade delegation from Check Republic. 

The delegation was received by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the head of The Federation of Kurdistan Chambers the deputies and members of the Erbil Chamber Board of directors, an agreement signed between the Federation and the Check Chamber of Commerce.

The delegation was composed of the representatives of companies from fife fields ( health, energy, Electronics, interior design and reconstruction) was headed by Brorivo Manij the deputy president of the Check Chamber accompanied by Ms. Eva Dardacova the Check Republic of Consulate General of Check in Kurdistan Region. 


In a meeting, which was attended by a number of local businessmen, Dr. Khayat welcomed the delegation and said: 

We would like to broaden our commercial relationship to do more successful business together. Thus, we have decided to participate in the Check international fair in the future, to make bridges between the Kurdistan and Check business owners. 


Also, Dr. Khayat indicated that the average of investment in the past was nearly 70 b$ only in the private sector, but because the ISIS war and the fall in oil prices the average is plummeted but we expect a sooner recovery for the financial crises. 

Then, Ms Eva, expressed her happiness for the meeting and wished a best output for the signed agreement and a better Commercial relationship between the both side. 


Although, Mr. Manij said in a statement he made" we would like to enhance the participation of Check companies in the Kurdistan Region projects, thus we appreciate this agreement." 

He disclosed that, currently 40 Check companies are working in Kurdistan Region, while there others working jointly with the Kurdistan companies.

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