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Erbil: On 05.02.2017, Mr, Nechirvan Barzani The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region opened the 120m Road project in Erbil in a ceremonial occasion. 

A number of officials and foreign diplomat including Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented in the ceremony. 

The street,  length is  38 km, it will be  the longest street in the city of Erbil, which surrounds the city would facilitate for  commercial movements and traffic jams avoidance.

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Monday, 13 February 2017 09:03

The Showcase of Locally made Field Cars

Erbil:30/1/2017 Under the Patronage of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Bilbasan Company for Industry in Kurdistan held a gathering to showcase its car field products to audience. 

The event was in the building of the Chamber, Mr. Nawzad Hadi the governor of Erbil, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber , a number of board members of the Chamber ,traders , industrialists , representatives of the government departments, media institutions attended the event. 

In the outset, Mr. Hadi gave a speech expressed happiness for this  industrial development in Kurdistan and he described it as a good omen of the future of industry in Kurdistan, and said it's the dream of the Kurdish people to see products that which the tablet of made in Kurdistan sticker on them. Also, Dr.Khayat expressed the happiness for that the product is made by he hands of Local technicians and experts. Hoped this field cars will be a nucleus for having more developed local made Motors and be exported to The Whole world. The director of media of the Chamber asked the relevant departments in the Region to give numbers to those developed field  cars to make their ways in the streets. 

Then, a video show illustrated the nature of the product to the audience and after that the gathering went out to see the cars which were showcased in the square of Erbil Chamber . 

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The Joint Commercial Forum of Kurdistan Region and Belgian Flanders Region

Erbil: On 17.01.2017, in the context of the activities the Representative of Kurdistan Regional Government in Belgium to consolidate relations with European Union and Binalux countries a Commercial Forum held between the two sides. 

An approximately of the representatives of 60 Belgian companies and a delegation from Kurdistan Region headed by Dr. Ali Sindi the Ministry of Planning , a number of government officials and Mr. Fiddaadin Gardi the members of board directors of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry the Forum held in Flanders. 

During the Forum, a number of panels held on Kurdistan Region, investment in the various sectors specially agriculture and industry. The main aim of the forum was to give guidance to Flanders companies to transfer part of their capitals to Kurdistan and to pave the way to the visit of the delegates of 100 Flanders companies to Kurdistan Region. 

Worth mentioning, that this Forum was held by the request of Flanders Region Government and the Kurdistan Delegation was visited the Country by the invitation of the Prime minister of Flanders Region. 

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