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Erbil: On 16/1/2017, a commercial delegation from Kurdistan headed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry  and the president of Kurdistan Federation of Chambers of Commerce visited Kuwait. 

The visit aimed at consolidation of trade relations between sides. The delegation met a warm reception by the Head and the members of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce. 

Dr. Khayat was accompanied by MR. Ayad Hassan the deputy president of the Federation of Kurdistan Chambers of Commerce , and a number of board members of Erbil and Duhok Chambers. 



Erbil: On 16/1/2017, the Kurdistan trade delegation, to promote the economic relations between Kurdistan Region and Kuwait visited Kuwait. 

The delegation was headed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil. Chamber of Commerce and the head of Kurdistan Federation of Commercial and Industry Chambers, included Mr. Ayad Hassan the deputy in the Federation and a number of board members of Erbil, Duhok and Sulaimanyah Chambers. The delegation was received by the director of Kuwait Chamber and the staff and a number of traders and business,en of Kuwait. 

On 17/1/2017 , the delegation visited the Kuwait board of investment. There, Dr. Khayat briefed the board about the Kurdistan Investment Law. 

The executive director of the board expressed the willingness of the board to make mutual relations with Kurdistan Region via establishing a joint committee. 

On 17/1/2017, the delegation visited the Kuwait Chamber of Trade and Industry, they were received by Mr. Ali Ghanim the president of Kuwait Chamber. The sides discussed the ways to promote the economic and trade relations between Kurdistan and a Kuwait , the Kurdistan delegation members asked Kuwaitis to visit Kurdistan Region to make mutual with Kurdistan businessmen and participate in Kurdistan markets.

On 17/1/2017, the Kurdistan Trade delegation along with a number of Kuwait businessmen and traders participated in a seminar about ( the role of Kuwait economy and the investment environment) , which was organized by the Kuwait Chamber of Trade. 

In the outset of the seminar, Mr. Fahid Yaqub Aljuan the member of the board of the Kuwait Chamber gave a statement encouraged the Kuwaiti businessmen to participate in the Kurdistan Region reconstruction and talked on the promotion of relations with Kurdistan Region. 


Then after, Dr. Khayat made a speech talked about the investment in Kurdistan Region and the suitable environment for investment in Kurdistan which is very inciting for foreign investors as security, law of investment and stability. 

At the seminar, the delegation members answered questions posed by attendees. 

On 18/1/2017, the Kurdistan delegation visited the Kuwait ministry of trade and Industry, they were received by the Minister Khalid Nasir Al Ruzan.


.Then, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat briefed the Minister on the business environment and industry sector in the Region, asked the minister to visit Kurdistan and see closely the situation of economy , stability and the touristic nature in the Region . Dr. Khayat also asked the minister to try via the Kuwait Council of Ministers to make direct flights between Kuwait and Erbil available by the Kuwait airways , which will be a step forward to consolidate all the sectors relations between the two sides. 



The Kurdistan Delegation visited Kuwait Investment Board 

Erbil: On 17/1/2017 the Kurdistan commercial delegation visited the Kuwait Investment Board, they welcomed by the head and the staff of the board. 

In a meeting between the sides, Dr Dara Jalil Khayat the head of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce    briefed the board members about the Kurdistan investment law and the environment of business and the region the new developments and achievements. 

Furthermore, the delegation also identified the most ready sectors for investment in the Region. 

In his part, Mr. Ajil alajili the executive director of the Kuwait board stated about the the basics of Kuwait investment , he expressed willingness to mutual relation and establishing a joint committee to pursue mutual interests. 

The Kurdistan delegation was headed by Dr. Dara Khayat the head of Kurdistan Federation of Chambers,  and Ayad Hassan the deputy , Ibrahim Sofi, Majeed Surchi , Saddradin Kamal, Kamal Azaiz , Salar Jalal, Ahmed Jaff,  nuraddin Khalaf the members of Erbil, Duhok and Sulaimanyah Chambers. 



The Kuwait Minister of Trade received the Kurdistan Delegation 

Erbil: On 18/1/2017, the Kurdistan trade and Industry delegation headed by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry was received by Mr. Khalid Nasir Al Ruzan , the minister of Trade and Industry of Kuwait. 

In a meeting, the sides talked over the mechanisms to strengthening the trade relations between Kurdistan Region and Kuwait. 

Then, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat briefed the Minister on the business environment and industry sector in the Region, asked the minister to visit Kurdistan and see closely the situation of economy , stability and the touristic nature in the Region . Dr. Khayat also asked the minister to try via the Kuwait Council of Ministers to make direct flights between Kuwait and Erbil available by the Kuwait airways , which will be a step forward to consolidate all the sectors relations between the two sides. 

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