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Erbil: On March 2, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in the presence of a number of board directors of the Chamber, received Olig Livin, the Russian  Consul Gereral in Erbil. 

In the meeting Dr. Kahyat, said: The Federal Russia has it's importance to Kurdistan Region, we are ambitious for more strong commercial relations.As the Chamber of Commerce, we have good ties with Russian Chambers, particularly, the Moscow Chamber. In our last visit to Russia, we have signed a memorandum of understanding with the Moscow Chamber, we planned for holding a joint forum in attendance of Russisn businessmen in Kurdistan. 

Dr. Khayat, expressed full support for having further good relationship. 

The Russian diplomat said: The relation between the both sides witnessed progress. Especially, after the Russian top diplomat paid a visit to Erbil. Currently, gian Rissian companies like GhazProm and Rossneft operate in Kurdistan, but strengthening of all the sectors ties like, industry, agriculture, energy and construction is required. 


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