You are here: ErbilChamberFairs Items filtered by date: Thursday, 21 May 2020
Erbil: On Martch31, 2020, in a ceremony presented by Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Dilovan Muhammad, The Director-General of the Health. The deputies of the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber offered 7 ventilators   to the Directorate of Health.
Dr. Khayat, said, ” Our goal is to serve the health sector and support the Kurdistan Regional Government to get past this global health crisis.” 
The Director-General of Health expressed gratitude to the Chamver and hoped the rich and philanthropists to follow suit the Chamber until we get past this health dilemma safely. 
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Erbil: From the beginning of the outbreak of Coronavirus in the Kurdistan Region, The Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has continued to help the citizens and the government. In the first place, it provided the Erbil Directorate of Health with 7 ventilators. On April14, 2020 took a new step by sending packages of aid to the Barzani Charity Foundation, to be distributed on the destitute and poor. 
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