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Erbil: On 21/11/2015 , Dr.Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry welcomed  Mr.Gert Mineg the Danish Ambassador to Iraq .

In a meeting attended by a number of  the members of the Chamber of Board of directors , the sides talked a bout the development of business relation between Kurdistan and Denmark.

The Danish ambassador said that the companies are searching for a wide market to sell they products ,and the Economic  progress resolution are as important as political resolutions .

The president of the Chamber hoped the Danish companies to cme to kurdistan to invest like other Europeans ,and said that the security and stability are available in Kurdistan and this current financial crises are temporary.


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Erbil: On 21/10/2015 , Dr.Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce received  a delegation of Laiko company headed by Mr.Michel Barids the deputy head of the company .

In a meeting attended by Mr.Sadradin KAmal  and Baqi Muhamad Hade the company delegation talked about the field of their business which is specialized in food production ,and they undertaken 60% of this sector in Cyprus .

Mr.Barids said that the company established 55 years ago ,alongside with production is working in the fields of transportation and exporting food . Said they came to Kurdistan to see the market to export their products to the market of The Region .

Mr.President of Chamber said that Kurdistan is opening the door to whom want to serve the Region and currently importing 90% of its good  from outside so every company can benefit from the opportunities .

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Erbil: On 22/10/2015 ,Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat ,the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry , received in his office Dr. Omar Ahmed Al-Kandari ,the Kuwaiti Consul in Erbil, who visited the Chamber  to discuss the bonds of friendship and trade relations with the Kurdistan Region, where the President of the Chamber said that the relations with the State of Kuwait is fine but lacks the more seriousness to enter the Kuwaiti companies strongly to the Kurdistan market, similar to Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Mr. President of the Chamber requested that the consulate to communicate with the Kuwaiti official authorities to the possibility of opening a direct air route to Erbil, in addition to bringing in a Kuwaiti business delegation to meet their counterparts in the Kurdistan Region , also focused on the importance of mutual trade visits between the Region  and the State of Kuwait to be exchanged to open the bridge to continue the friendly relations between the two countries.

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Monday, 26 October 2015 07:57

The Italian Consul visited the Chamber

Erbil: : On 20/10/2015 ,Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat President  of the Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry , received in his office  Mr. Carmelo Vekara  ,the Italian consul  n Erbil, who visited the Chamber  to discuss the consolidation of trade and economic relations with the Kurdistan Region in addition to notice to the Chamber that  a  trade  Italian delegation ,will visit the region early next November ,and the aim of the visit  to meet  their  counterparts in Erbil ,to establish more  business networking between Italy and the  Kurdistan Region .

Mr. President of the Chamber welcomed the guest and wished to strengthen trade relations  with Italy and the countries of the European Union, Mr. President of the Chamber highlighted in the meeting on the  importance of the consulates decision  to grant visas  directly in Erbil,without going back to Baghdad, while Mr. Consul noted that there are many applications for a visa and there are facilities for applicants of  businessmen and traders.

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