You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Wednesday, 10 March 2021




Erbil: On 4th March 2021, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry received Dr. Randal Rodis, the Chancellor of the Kurdistan University – Duhok. 

In a meeting they talked about the youth situation and youth empowerment to enter the job market. 

Dr. Rodis said: we are in our university focused on the empowerment of youths and preparing qualified people to work in public and private sectors. For this purpose, we have a development centre. Continuously, through this centre we offer guiding and instruction to the private sector, specially, during evening time to not clash with their work hours. Our training sessions are short and comprehensive and covers all the fields. We hope The Chamber as the representative of the private  sector can help us and support our efforts. 

The president of the Chamber said: we are delighted that the new system is including theoretical and practical lessens, unlike the old system which was limited to theoretical lessens. With this system the student when graduates will be ready to enter the job market, without the need to participate in training courses. 

And added that: we are as the Erbil Chamber organised dozens of training courses in collaboration with international organisations and universities; we intend to hold many more courses. 

Dr. Khayat hoped the university open its branch in Erbil also.  




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