You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Friday, 15 January 2021

Erbil: On January 12, 2021, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry received a commercial delegation from Diyarbakir( Amed) headed by Ardal Aushar and Arjan Ayainlamak, the deputies of Diyarbakir Chamber a number of the bomard embers of that Chamber. 

In a meeting, the participants reiterated bolstering the mutual ties, between Erbil and Diyarbakir. 


The visiting delegates stated that their visit aims to open an office of the chamber in Kurdistan Region to facilitate for both sides traders. And, furthermore they plan to hold an exhibition for their local products in all the KR cities to introduce them to the people and enhance commercial exchange. 

Dr. Khayat hailed the step and asserted enthusiasm to support their projects.   


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Dr. Mohammed Shukri, the Head of the Board of Investment of KRG, also had a statement in the meeting and indicated to recommendation from the Prime Minister to all the relevant parties to give priority to the promotion of the Private Sector and to facilitate for the businessmen and merchandisers. 




He said that the Region has great opportunities for trade and investment from the government's  agenda to the environment and the nature of the Region. That's why we always regarded not only the foreign investment also the Iraqi investors to come and turn the resources and raw materials of the Region into projects, this will be away to keep the resources and benefits inside Kurdsitan and Iraq. 




He wrapped up his statement by saying that” The Kurdistan Region exerting efforts to diversify  economic sources, to have a good impact on the economy. The experience of the past where Oil was the only sources of the Region’s income learned us to struggle hard to develop variety of economic resources and eventually have a strong financial condition.” 



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