You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Erbil: On 17/05/2017, a Commercial Forum aimed at consolidation of the Commercial ties between Kurdistan companies and French companies was held in Erbil. 

The Forum, was held in attendance of Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the president of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Dominic Mass the Consulate General of the Republic of France in Erbil, Dr. Nuri Osman the Head of Kurdistan Investment Board a representatives of a number of relevant ministries in KRG, businessmen from the both sides. 


At the outset, Dr. Khayat made a statement said" We have strong trade ties with the Republic of France." 

He expressed the willingness of the Chamber to do all facilitations for the French Companies.

Mr. Mass also made a statement and cast light on the business opportunities in Kurdistan, he emphasized that despite the financial crises that prevailed in Kurdistan Region in the past three years but the French companies that are operating in the Region  not willing to leave Kurdistan . 

Lately, Ms. Osman the representatives of Reconstruction and Municipality ministries gave speeches. 

In the end, the B2B meeting occurred between companies owners. 

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Erbil: On the period of 16-18/05/2017 a delegation From Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated in a Commercial Forum in Berlin. 

The Forum discussed the consolidation of trade relations among The Arab Countries. 

The Chamber delegation, was composed of Mr. Soran Abu Bakir the deputy president of the Chamber, and Mr. Baqi Muhamad, Abdulkareem Mustafa, Salar Jalal the Board members. 

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Erbil: On 15/05/2017, under the patronage of the Iraq Reconstruction Fund and in the presence of Darbaz Kosrat the Minister of Reconstruction and Housing of The Kurdistan Regional Government, Mr. Safin Dzayi the KRG official spokesperson, Mr. Nawzad Hadi the governor of Erbil, Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Kurdistan Chambers of Trade and Industry Federation and the representatives of a number of ministries and foreign consulates, on the ground of Erbil International Fair , Two Exhibitions were opened for showcasing the local products and reconstruction of newly liberated areas. 


The First Exhibition, was special for the products of 150 local companies of Kurdistan and Iraq. 

The Second, was dedicated for companies from 20 countries for the reconstruction of the newly liberated areas in Iraq. 


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