You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Sunday, 07 February 2016

Erbil: On 1.2.2016   ,Dr .Dara Jalil Khayat the president of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry , welcomed Mr.Akinito Kinotsha the head of Kurdistan -Japan  Friendship Association and the member of Japan Parliament. 

In a meeting  attended by Mr.Abdukarim Mustafa ,the member of the board of the directors of teh Chamber ,  the head of the guest delegation talked about the aim of the visit ,said " we came to develop commercial ties with Kurdistan Region , we work on all the sectors ,because Kurdistan is rich  of many resources. "

He also said that ,they held a conference Iraq  in collaboration with Jetro Organization, they wil continue to work in this area and develop relations with Kurdistan .

He disclosed that ,as for now they send their goods to Iraq via , their agents in Jordan and UAE , because the dire political situation in Iraq ,and the lack of an organized banking system.

Dr.Khayat emphasized that Japan if compared to its relation with other countries ,they have a weak trade relation with Kurdistan Region , despite the stable situation in Kurdistan Region . "They should  try to consolidate these relation by holding a conference to be attended by businessmen and companies from the both sides , and make Kurdistan companies able to be the agent of Japanese companies  . 

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