You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Thursday, 04 February 2016

Erbil: On 1,2,2016 , The Erbil General Director of Investment , The Erbil director of Development, The Secretory of Chambers of Commerce ,a press conference held  over the data of licensed industrial development.

In the outset of the conference Dr.Dara Jalil Khayat gave a speech, talked  about the importance of the Industry sector and the need to project development in this area,and finding solution for the problems facing the industrial development in the Region.

The the director Erbil vestment and  Development ,talked about the number of licensed industrial project of the period of 2013-2015 , and they disclosed that,  they dedicated land for 380 industrial project .

They answered the journalists questions , said " We have follow up committee , the committee keep trace over the projects implementation, if any halt happened in the implementation of those projects matching with legal requirements or because of financial crises ,we can extend the period for them ,lest we take back the land to be given to another investor."

After that ,Mr.Shivan Abdulrahman the general secretory of the Federation of Trade and Industry Chambers said " in June 2012 , a conference held for the regions govern orates , to address the problems of industries , after that on 15.7.2012 ,in the presence of Kurdistan Prime minister a meeting was held to the unification  of the industry sector . On 13.8.2012 , a committee established to supervise the development of industry sector ."

He disclosed the number of industrial projects , in Erbil the total of 2995 licensed projects , 104 of them got license through 2015 . For Sulaimanyah , the total is 3792 , 397 of them got license during 2015 .As for Duhok , the total is 1100 to the end of 2014 and 92 project got license in 2015.

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