You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Monday, 15 February 2016

Erbil: On 3.2.2016 , Dr.Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,received a  delegation of Dutch Consulate in Erbil ,headed by Mr. Korr Stottn the deputy of Dutch general Consul in Erbil. 

In a meeting between the sides ,The Head of the guest delegation said that ,Dutch will continues the help Kurdistan , Financially and morally , but because of the global financial shortage, our help for now will be limited in  supporting Peshmarga Forces.

Also said" We realize that Kurdistan is affected by the financial crises, the decline in oil prices , imposed war by Daeesh .We will help the private sector to build their capacity via opening training courses and empowerment ."

Mr.Stton said " Kurdistan Region is rich in many sectors ,but need investment , and Dutch is also hs a rich experience in the fields of agriculture ,food industry and recycling ,we can help you in these sectors ."

The president of the Chamber thanked Netherlands,for the continues support to Peshmarga , and said " We are suffering from the Daeesh , oil prices ,and a huge number of refugees have sheltered in Kurdistan,and the international helps is not in a required level ."     

The president of the Chamber said " We need your help , we have a rich resources in terms of water , fertile land ,we need to build industry and agriculture ."

The meeting led to signing an agreement of empowerment by Erbil Chamber and SPARKS organization from Dutch in collaboration with Dutch Consulate . 

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Erbil: In the context of the Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry activities in funding the project of the foundations and civil society organizations , and on the request of the Golden Art Company ,the  Chamber decided to be one of the sponsor sides of the (Anti Terror Cinema  International Forum).

The Chamber will continues to support these kind of  creative activities as it can manage according to the current financial capacity , to empower the the artistes to continue their art works . 

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