Erbil: On 20/4/2015 , The Sweden Chamber of Commerce in corporation with Erbil Chamber of Commerce held a workshop on Coaching program and how to get to the  the work-oriented leadership ,attended by a number of stakeholders to this specialty of the business community, civil society organizations and environment  group and green technology.

The Workshop was opened by Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce .He gave a speech on this occasion and appreciated the holding these kind of activities ,where part of this activity supports the younger generation, especially graduates of universities to accommodate the idea of self-employment through the establishment of small  or medium businesses, with   support from the state insteadfrom going to employ in the public sector, which is already suffering from inflation in the number of staff, the workshop has run by Ms. Nigar who  represented  the Swedish  Chamber of Commerce  in the region , the program is supported by the Swedish government, the attendance participated in  discussions to get to the basic idea of the content of this program.  


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Erbil : On 14/4/2015 , Mr.Dara Jalil Khayat  the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry has welcomed Ms.Asma Muhamad Ali the official of Trade department in Egypt Cosulate in Erbil .

The sides talked a bout the commercial ties between Kurdistan Region and Egypt, the ways to develop these ties ,also the Ms.Ali informed the chamber about the upcoming visit by an Egyptian trade delegation will be headed by The Egypt minister of trade to Kurdistan Region in next October will be accompanied by the representatives of 40 company . 

  They  will come To discuss the possibility of entering the largest number of Egyptian companies to the region and to participate in investment programs, Mr. President of the Chamber expressed his delight at the meeting and the news of this upcoming  visit, which would work on the continuation of trade and economic communication betweenthe two countries, and expressed his willingness to provide all necessary facilities for the success of this event

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Erbil: On 2/4/2015 , under the patronage of President Masud Barzani the President of Kurdistan Region the tenth International Fair for book held on the flour of Erbil International Fair .

The Fair attended by A grand number of officials and cultural personalities  .Among them were Mr .Firyad Rawandzi the Minister of Culture of Iraq Fidral Government  ,the United Nations Commissioner to Iraq ,Dr.Dara Jalil Khayat the President of Erbil Chamber of Commerce ,diplomats and heads of diplomatic missions .

A 700000 titles of books  have exhibited by 200 cultural Foundations from 22 countries .

It has been continued  for 10 day.    

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Calendar of Events 2013 Erbil International Fair

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