You are here: ErbilChamberItems filtered by date: Thursday, 04 April 2013

Erbil : On 03.26.2013 A press crew from the British Guardian magazine headed by Mr. Oliver Moss  interviewed  Mr. DaraJalil Khayat President  of Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry at  his office on the occasion of 10th   anniversary  of the fall  of the former regime in Iraq  and  developments that have occurred in the Kurdistan region after that , the magazine crew was preparing a detail report and  conducting  numerous interviews with senior political and economic figures in the Kurdistan region in preparation for publication in the magazine and its website .

 Mr. President of the Chamber Praised the  evolution happened in the Region  so that has became trade and economic gateway to Iraq and the countries of the region, as touched on the available areas of investment in the region, mainly oil and gas, tourism and agriculture, where  attributed appropriate environment for the development of these sectors due to themassive reserves of oil owned by the Region , said that the Kurdistan Region will become the focus of attention of investorsand businessmen from all over the world.

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Erbil: On 25/03/2013 Mr. Dara Jalil Khayat President  of the Federation of Kurdistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and Mr.Peter Katff  vice president of the Bulgarian Union of businessmen and industrialists have signed  on Memorandum of Understanding, in  this Memo placed  the outlines of the joint future business between the parties were placed in. aimed at boosting economic and trade relations between Kurdistan and the Republic of Bulgaria, the signing ceremony was attended by  a number of board members Union of Kurdistan , Erbil  Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a group of Kurdistan businessmen with experience in banking, printing, construction and a number of journalists. .

Mr. President Union of Kurdistan Chambers has delivered welcome speech on this occasion in which he stressed the importance of strengthening Economic and trade relations between the Region and Bulgaria, especially in the areas of agriculture, tourism and considered this meeting as a  golden opportunity to expand the horizons of cooperation between the two parties, also Mr. Chairman of Bulgarian delegation in a speech thanked  the Chamber on good reception ,he noted that Bulgarians businessmen have put their weight to invest and do trade cooperation with Kurdistan region.

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