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The Federation of Iraq Chambers of Commerce's meeting Held in Baghdad

Published in news Sunday, 23 September 2018 09:18

Erbil: On August 16, 2018, in the presence of Dr. Dara Jalil Khayat, the President of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce and Industry, The deputy President of the Federation of The Iraq Chambers, the Federation has held the 64th meeting, of 12th session in Baghdad. 

The meeting, attended by all the presidents of the Iraq Chambers. In the outset of the meeting, Jaafar Hamdani, the Head of the Federation, made a speech, pointed out to the importance of the regular present of Kurdistan Chambers in the meeting. Then, they discussed the obstacles that facing the trade movement in Iraq , and the ways of solving them for better regulation of trade between Kurdistan Region and the South an Mid parts of Iraq Governorates . 

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